Light and Fluffy

No, this post isn't about a white kitten, as the title may hint towards... it's just that am sitting here at work, it's dark out, and I am on 'leper island' again at the reception desk because everyone is busy and not visiting ME. How rude! Ya, ya... it's good that they are all busy, I know. But what about me?! What about MY needs?! Someone should give them the memo that I am a needy, high maintenace person! Actually I'm not, I'm just lonely, so I thought I would write a little fluffy post to reach out and say HELLO INTERNETZ LAND!

I got in to work at 2pm today, and found a nice, bustling and busy salon. I love it when that happens. The only thing that would have made my day even more was if we were playing Christmas tunes. Don't hate! It IS December so I'm allowed to want such things! I'm going to have to hijack the Mp3 player and hide a bunch of Christmas songs on it that will come on randomly. Music sabotage for the win! (Even though it's totally NOT sabotage, it's making it BETTER!)

I am working on extra large cup number TWO of Tim Hortens coffee. I'm badass like that... doesn't even effect me *twitches*...*convulses*... really.

I'm pretty excited about the fact we are doing 12 Days of Christmas at Roots soon, actually it's starting on the 12th! We are going to have 12 days of AWESOME sales and deals on products, services etc. It's actually bordering on epic... no jokes. Be sure to watch our Facebook page daily as that is where these things will be announced, and only those that mention it when they come in to the salon that day will get the deal!

Yeah, there is always a catch I know... but it's a pretty chill catch don't you think?

ALSO, don't forget to check here on Friday/Saturday for TWO Roots Personalities :) I will be featuring a boy and a girl stylist, not saying who! You'll have to check in for the goodies!

I'm probably going to edit this post when I get home and add some more pictures that I had taken last week, just for a sprinkle of funny and fabulous still life at the salon.

You can rest assured that I will be taking pictures at the staff Christmas party on Saturday. I'm sure I will get some Lindsy Lohan-esque shots of people 'Lohanninig' out after too much to drink.

Kind of like this photo below:

And a bit like this one too:

But HOPEFULLY not like this one! YIKES!

Now look at the top two (not the third, please god no), and put one of our faces over her face, and that's what you will probably end up seeing on Sunday!

PS: Mike just said this to his client...

'Be good, and if you can't be good, be careful... and if you can't be careful name it after me!'

I love my job hahaha.

I'll be doing a new 'Sadie's Stumbles' tonight as well once I get home from work. I feel a long night of internet surfing coming on, and I'll share the gems with you guys :) ( EDIT: Instead of internet surfing I spent time with my mom. You can't hold THAT against me! Stumbles tomorrow instead! )

ALSO, only recieved one comment on my 'please leave me feedback' begging post, so if you have some time and have an opinion on the blog do post it there. I'll give you some chocolate, cookies and a free hug. I'm a good hugger... I should charge for my hugs they are that good!

Ta ta beautiful people!

Thank you for calling,

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